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Below are some of the projects that i have worked on. Projects below all are used for displaying different skills & systems.

The Pound

3rd person action adventure baised in the Flinders Rangers

This Is the second year AIE end of year project completed in a group, I completed the AI, Weapon system, Quest manager - refactor and bug fixing. The weapons system was built on scriptable objects that allow different weapons to access different skills and stats. The AI system is build with an Action & AImover class that all the AI uses differing actions depending on wether friendly or enemy, differing quest or for doing nothing. The quest manager holds quest objects that are actived by reaching points, the quest manager also uses triggers to activate sound and video. 


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Beak Betrayal

Split screen multiplayer FFA

Beak betrayal was a group project completed during my Diploma. It is a 1 to 4 player couch co-op free for all. With 3 programers working on this I did not work on every system. I worked on systems such as health & healthbars & health packs, attacking ( shooting, bullet spawning, dealing damage), powerups & crystal spawning, Player spawning,  endgame event, other small changes. The gameplay flow includes selecting the amount of players and starting the game. you are then launched into the first of 3 rounds, during this round you start by running around killing other players and AI, you are able to heal with health packs and destroy crystals to gain power ups both of which are placed around the map. After a period of time a speical power crystal spawns in the center which give one of 4 extremely powerful powerups. After the crystal is spawned it will start a hidden countdown which will teleport all players into the center for a final battle. after one person is the last person standing the scorboard will show with hidden values. you then repeat the round 2 more times. once this is done it shows the final scoreboard and each player and AI's total score. you will then be returned to the main menu. 


Planet Explorer

personal improvment of skills

This is a passion project of mine where i strive to expand my knowledge about programming with self teaching procedual generation, planet gravity(faux gravity) and character movement around a planet. I also plan to contiune on work on this and self learing blender to create custom characters and object to populate the worlds. I also plan to improve the procedual generation to allow for multiple planet presets for a showcase of a solar system. The current procedual generation work of creating a cube and expanding sides baised on a noise function that rounds the sides of the cube and allows the noise to create mountains and oceans. the oceans are created from any noise value under 0.4, and mountains are created over values of 0.6. The faux gravity works by creating a centre point in the planet and pulling all objects that are stored in an array towards the centre point.


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Boss Encounter

Complex Game System

This is a small game that was completed during my Advance diploma for programing as a way to expand my knowledge of more complex systems, this inculdes local networking using "Mirror" a free assest for local networking games. An evaluation baised boss AI with multiple states to choose from such as wander, attack, flee, Minion spawner. A charge state was also included for the bosses minons. Due to this game being about complex systems and not so much about looks all animations and models are found off the unity assest store and Mixamo. The level design is basic and allows the boss to roam around his octacgon untill the player uses the levers to allow accsess to the player spawn. Expectations for this are for the looks to not be the main focus but the use of the systems such as AI and networking to be focused on.

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